Angels & Ancestors

Angels & Ancestors

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Let's Tap In!

Nevertheless what background we come from and or believe in, we all have our Angels & Ancestors (plus and of course, all Divine Beings) in the Heavens for our guidance and reach. I have learned through my "Spiritual Awakening" that our angels like it and are meant to help us, when we do indeed ask for help/guidance through prayer, meditation, however you practice your Divine Connection with your Loved Ones

$44.44 / email consultation

After purchasing your consultation & or service, you will receive communication via email (2-3 business days/asap) with further details needed to process your order; like any specific question you'd like to ask a certain passed loved one, personal details like what is your need outcome of this reading? and etc.

Intuitive Message always includes the following:

  • email context of your personal message
  • any drawings/texts/scribbles, as a photo
  • notes taken with any messages received 
  • 4 oracle cards pulled during personal consultation


Why Angels and Ancestors you may ask?

Well, for starters I am an old soul sort of say, and believe that definitely helps me tap in more into our "Spiritual World" but besides that, throughout my life I have dreamt and been able to have conversations-ish (obviously I am dreaming so it's not in real physical life) but, short communications with passed loved ones; and not just in my personal family lineage but also passed loved ones from close friends and extended family. The price reflects my current status as I am still learning about our Universe and gaining experience as a newbie in this type of community.

~Thank you for supporting The Fab You and all fabulousness that is connected. Every purchase made on The Fab Shack supports my main dream of being able to pursue my  music career, start my animal rescue in Mexico and most importantly, not neglect my natural God Given Gifts that they are not for me, they are for the World, they are in service for You.~

Sending Love & Light your way, and always Stay Fabulous!


***DISCLAIMER: By law, these services and consultations are for entertainment purposes only. The information provided shall not be used as substitute for professionals/financial/medical/psychiatric and or legal advice. The consultations, products or services provided are not meant in any way or form to replace the professional advice/help/opinion from a licensed doctor/healthcare professional/lawyer or anyone that has a professional license authority.***